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a sleep disorder is defined as a medical disorder that disrupts sleep patterns. Some sleep disorders are so severe they can interfere with daily activities and how one functions emotionally, physically, and mentally.


This sleep disorder is characterized by having an intense urge to move the legs. It usually recurs while lying down or sitting for prolonged periods of time. When it happens in the evening or at bedtime, it can make it impossible to fall asleep. While the causes for RLS are unknown, some experts suggest it is due to the brain’s inability to use iron. There are certain medical conditions associated with RLS including:

  • Iron deficiency

  • Diabetes

  • End-stage kidney disease

  • Pregnancy

    People with RLS tend to walk around and try to shake out the uncomfortable feeling they have in their legs. Irritability and lack of concentration are common symptoms associated with this disorder. RLS is more common in women than in men and those who have it tend to be middle-aged or older. Treatment options may include taking prescription drugs that increase dopamine to the brain, muscle relaxants, and magnesium supplements.

Making your appointment at the Sleep Lab at Sinai Medical Center is the first step to overcoming a sleep disorder. Call to schedule your appointment today.



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Open Daily:
8:00 am - 11:59 pm

Sleep Studies are Available 7 Days a Week


10 Orland Square Dr, A3, Orland Park, IL 60462

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