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Sleep studies are extremely important to you and your health as they can help diagnose sleep disorders. When left untreated, sleep disorders can pose serious health risks.


Polysomnogram (PSG) – This type of sleep study records several body functions as you sleep.

The PSG usually requires an overnight stay at the clinic and is commonly used for those with a diagnosis of sleep apnea. During the test, electrodes are placed with a sticky patch on certain areas of your body including the scalp, chest, face, limbs, and one of your fingers. These sensors record your brain activity while you sleep along with the following body functions:

  • Brain activity

  • Oxygen levels

  • Eye movement

  • Carbon dioxide blood levels

  • Heart rate

  • Breathing rate

The test also measures the rate of air flow going through the mouth and the nose. Soft elastic belts are placed around your chest and belly in order to monitor the movements of these parts of the body while you inhale and exhale. The sensors are attached to thin and flexible wires that are bundled together. The wires will not restrict your movement or cause discomfort. These wires get attached to the sensors and transmit data to a computer in another room.

If you have a PSG and it shows you have sleep apnea, you might need a split night sleep study. Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder indicated by pauses in breathing or taking shallow breaths during sleep. Sometimes the airway becomes blocked or collapses during sleep. When this occurs, it’s known as obstructive sleep apnea.

During a split night sleep study, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is used during the second half of the night. You will be fitted with a mask and a technician will detect whether or not your airway remains open while you sleep. While you have the mask on, a small machine will be blowing air through the mask. During a process called CPAP titration, this air flow going through the mask will get adjusted in order to find the proper setting for you.

After the PSG is over with, the technician will remove the sensors. If you need to come back the next day for another sleep study, the technician might leave some of the sensors on your body. If it is your child having the sleep study done, you will need to spend at the clinic with your child.

There are certain instances where a repeat PSG may be needed. These include:

  • Your CPAP may need an adjustment especially in the event of weight loss or weight gain

  • If your symptoms return or persist after using the CPAP

  • If you’ve had surgery to help correct a sleep-related breathing disorder

  • You did not sleep well during the CPAP titration and a proper setting couldn’t be determined



Making your appointment at the Sleep Lab at Sinai Medical Center is the first step to overcoming a sleep disorder. Call to schedule your appointment today.

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Opening hours

Open Daily:
8:00 am - 11:59 pm

Sleep Studies are Available 7 Days a Week


10 Orland Square Dr, A3, Orland Park, IL 60462

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