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Sleep studies are extremely important to you and your health as they can help diagnose sleep disorders. When left untreated, sleep disorders can pose serious health risks.


This type of sleep study measures sleep latency which is the amount of time that elapses from the beginning of a daytime nap to the first signs of sleep. The test helps to determine your level of sleepiness and how quickly it takes you to fall asleep.

The MSLT is done during the day and normally begins about two hours after your PSG. Sensors get placed on your chin, scalp, and face. The test, which looks at your brain activity and eye movements, is done in a room that is quiet and dark. It shows the stages of sleep you are in including:

  • Rapid Eye Movement (REM) – characterized by movement of the eyes and is usually the stage of sleep during which you have vivid dreams

  • Non-REM – happens in three separate stages

    A technician will be in another room watching the recordings and will make any necessary adjustments. Because your ability to fall asleep can change, this test gets repeated, usually up to five times throughout the day. During the two-hour breaks in between the tests, you are asked to stay awake.

    This type of sleep test can help doctors determine if you have certain sleep orders such as narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, or other types of sleep disorders that may cause you to feel tired during the day.




Making your appointment at the Sleep Lab at Sinai Medical Center is the first step to overcoming a sleep disorder. Call to schedule your appointment today.

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Opening hours

Open Daily:
8:00 am - 11:59 pm

Sleep Studies are Available 7 Days a Week


10 Orland Square Dr, A3, Orland Park, IL 60462

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